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Center for Forest based Livelihoods and Extension (CFLE) Agartala
Center for Forest based Livelihoods and Extension Agartala came into existence in July, 2012 as unit of RFRI Jorhat under the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), Dehradun. It is the latest among the nine Institutes and four Centres operating under ICFRE in different parts of the country. It is one of the two Centres under RFRI, Jorhat in the Northeastern Region, the other being, ARCBR, Aizawl.
Forest-based Livelihood Development
Bamboo Sector Technology Development and Extension
Agroforestry Development
Biodiversity Assessment
Impact Assessment of Natural Resource Management and Utilization
Core Research Areas
Sustainable livelihood alternatives through application of forestry and NRM techniques
R&D in bamboo sector including propagation, preservation and value addition.
On-farm Participatory Research for productivity enhancement.
Impact assessment of skill training and technology demonstration.
Biodiversity conservation.
Geographical Jurisdiction
Northeastern States including Sikkim (India)
Contact Details
Forest Research Center for Livehood Extension Agartala